Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday Soccer

Today was the last game of the season and thank goodness that both of their games were at the same time.
Yes, Grasshopper has a scratch on his nose. He met the pavement nose first the other day. I have a sneaking suspicion that an older brother was involved in this meeting.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The End of An Era

Seven years ago this month I set up my first crib. AJ's due date was right around the corner and I couldn't wait for him to come. By this time I was off work because of pre-term labor and we filled our days with getting ready and putting a birthday hat on my belly. Auntie kept telling him to come out so she could kiss his face off. That's why I think he was late. He was worried about Auntie.
Since that time I have had a crib up in out house. When AJ outgrew his it was time to get it ready for JM. JM demolished that crib by knocking it over frequently. We bought a new one for Little Peanut and before she was out of it Grasshopper had arrived and had his own.
Last night we took Grasshopper's crib apart. Yesterday he wanted his blanket so he climbed into his crib and back out again. That's the sign, no more crib, it's time for a big boy bed. It was the end of an era here. Very sad. My babies are getting so big.
Here's a few pictures from the years. I searched and searched but couldn't find the picture of Little Peanut in her crib. So here are the boys. AJ almost seven years ago. JM. Grasshopper. Happy to be in his big boy bed. He did a good job staying in it too! It makes me a little sad to not have a baby in a crib. Now, when we don't have any more diapers I'll throw a PARTY!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Here's a photo of AJ. I messed around with it some on photoshop and cropped it. I'm still figuring out how to do some things.
Here's one of both of the boys.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

My New Baby!

Today I got my new baby. I'm in love. Now I can't wait to edit my photos. Someone promised to teach me how to use photoshop, you know who you are!!! I'm going to hold you to it. Looking forward to our next trip! It's a nikon D40 . I think camera products are going to be on my Christmas list now. Bring on the photo ops. :)