Due to his little nickname "Wild Man" they have given him a rather strong muscle relaxer. The sedatives were just not cutting it for him so now they don't have to give him so much of that. Every hour or so he would start kicking and moving his arms and arching his back. They didn't want him to move his tube because it would further irritate his throat. They will let it wear off tomorrow and then put him back on it for another 24 hours. Last night he developed a leak around his breathing tube meaning that some of the swelling was going down. However, this morning the leak was gone. If he can develop a leak and keep it then they might not need to do surgery. But if it doesn't come back then they will need to do the surgery. For those of you who like to look up things on line the surgery is called a cricoid split. I think that is spelled correctly. We still don't know if it will be tomorrow or on Wednesday. I'm praying it will be tomorrow because AJ's first school program is Wednesday night and I'd really like to be there for it. With the muscle relaxer he doesn't twitch at all which means mommy can kiss him a little and hold his hand and talk to him more. His temperature dropped pretty low this evening so they are doing some blood work to make sure that he doesn't have an infection. He also got something in his bed called a snuggle bear. It's like a warm air mattress that goes under him and keeps him warm. Thank you all for your prayers. My sweet friend Allison came for a visit this evening. We had fun driving to a local mall with her two girls. We had Chinese for dinner and then did some shopping. I got Nathan's Christmas present...but it went home with her so he will never know what it is. :) I got out of the hospital for a couple hours and it was a nice break. Tomorrow is our MOPS Christmas party and it's the first time I've missed the Christmas meeting since I started going to MOPS. My thoughts will be with you all.Pray that my milk supply will stay strong. So far I've been able to pump enough to keep him supplied continuously but pumping is not as effective as nursing. Pray for the other kiddo's...they have been having temperatures and throwing up and my mom and Nathan are taking care of them.
Thanks for the update! Poor kiddos hope they are better, I am still praying!
We are all praying for you guys! Know that we are here for you!!
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